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Wednesday, March 11, 2020


It’s time for the “Baby Boom” babies to DIE already.

Make no mistake, these are my people. I have lived among these self-centered, pampered, pompous assholes for my entire life, more years than I care to remember.

The vast majority of the boomers sold out long before their bellies no longer fit into their Levis.

Bernie Sanders got clobbered last night. No doubt about that.

But Bernie won among Democratic voters under the age of 50. Right, 50 year olds, not exactly teenagers. He won big among the folks who have waited decades for the Boomers to get off the stage and allow a new generation to sing. But, no, the Boomers still want it all for themselves.

Face it, Boomer Geezers refuse to believe they’re already old and decrepit. They hog all the money and the houses and pay a thousand dollars a ticket to see cadaverous 75 year olds prance around on stage playing hits from 60 years ago, narcissism to the extreme. Boomers think they have the wisdom of age, at the same time believing in their heart they’re 18 years old.

And now they’ve fucked over their children, and their grandchildren, and everyone else who isn’t old enough to get free Medicare like they do. We’ve got ours, FU.

Boom Geezers voted almost 3 to 1 against the interests of those who still have decades left to live if they survive without proper healthcare, and if climate change doesn’t do them in. But the Boomers could give less of a rat’s ass about things like that. They’ll be dead. One can hope.

They voted for a man who helped lead us into that ongoing disaster, the Iraq War. Boomer Geezers voted for a man who up until nine months ago was more than content to let poor women bleed to death in some back alley rather than allow them to control their own bodies.

This from a generation who were supposedly all about “Peace”. Put away all those love beads, you skeletal hippies, we all know now that the “Peace” you wanted was only for yourself.

Boom Geezers want to remain cozy and coddled in their navel gazing cocoons, and the rest of the world, the rest of America, anyone other than themselves, can simply fuck off.

This world may have a chance once these addled Rolling Stone fans eventually decide to shuffle off their mortal coil.  But until then, they will stick around, seemingly forever, and mindlessly destroy anyone or anything that dares interfere with their lethal self-centered buzz.

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