If you live and breathe in the United States you are about to be taxed. Not your income. Not your property. You are about to be taxed simply for living. And breathing. You are about to be charged a fee for your right to life in the United States of America. Welcome to the Breath Tax.
(Disclaimer: Opening up Medicare for all Americans is the only moral and efficient way to deal with the present healthcare situation. Imagine how much money would be saved by putting the private insurance pencil pushers out to pasture.)
Think about it for a second. Forcing every American, under penalty of law, who is not covered by public insurance to be covered by private insurance is possibly the most egregious tax ever levied upon the citizens of these United States. This unprecedented transfer of private funds into the coffers of corporations is the harbinger of the coming of a corporate state.
What Obama’s Democrats are proposing is the equivalent of a tax for living. Never before has any American been taxed simply for breathing. And to add insult to injury, the money will not be going into Federal coffers, it will end up in the pockets of insurance companies, enabling them to finance even more campaigns aimed at extorting even greater sums from Americans.
You breathe, you pay a private insurance company, unless you’re already under Federal protection. Your money or your life. I wouldn’t feel so bad about all of this if at least there were a public option where my money would not be used by private companies who would rather see me die than take away money from their shareholders. At least the Federal government isn’t bound to increase earnings for stock holders. It’s bad enough being taxed to breathe, but to pay the money to corporations, who by law do not have your best interests at heart, well, that’s a little hard to take.
The Breath Tax, certainly has a ring to it doesn’t it? Unless you are over 65, disabled, a veteran, a child, you are going to be forced to pay money to private insurance companies, either indirectly, through your employer, or out of your own pocket.
I hate to bring this up, but Obama’s Breath Tax is a poll tax.
Remember the old poll taxes? Poll taxes were used to keep minorities from voting. Obama’s breath tax isn’t exactly that.
A poll tax is a capitation tax. Poll used to mean “head.” What we’re talking about here is counting heads which is what happens when you go to the polls and vote. No doubt this is a bit confusing but there you have it. The trick is that the US doesn’t use poll taxes. Hasn’t in quite some time. A poll tax is a regressive tax if there ever were one. In other words, Bill Gates and anybody pulling in 40 grand a year are subject to the same minimum tariff. The same minimum tariff to be paid to some insurance company represented by Joe Lieberman.
So there you have some information. The Breath Tax demands you pay money to corporate insurers. Obama’s Breath Tax puts tax money directly into private hands. Today’s Democrats are presenting no other option.
There’s only one way to avoid the Obama Breath Tax.