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Saturday, February 20, 2010

22,500 Democratic Deaths. And Counting

If 45,000 Americans die each year because they are uninsured, how many of these deaths are now the responsibility of the Democratic Party? Since gaining control of the legislative and executive branches fourteen months ago, the Democrats under Obama have accomplished nothing in stopping these unnecessary deaths. Even giving them eight months to get their act together (Obama’s August 2009 target date), they now have six months of responsibility for uninsured deaths on their hands. That’s 22,500 preventable deaths. And counting.

In a similar vein.

Artists die young.


Let’s face it, the way this country rewards or punishes behaviors is through the tax code and other financial programs. You can get thousands back from your government if you purchase a certain type of gas guzzler. You can write off from your taxes what you spend on sporting events. (If you are properly incorporated.) You get reimbursed for not growing crops. You can receive reimbursement for college tuition if you’re willing to be employed as a gunman/woman for a few years.

When I read this eulogy, I remembered my friend, Helen. Helen died because she couldn’t figure out how to be an artist and maintain proper health care. She was presented with the choice, work as an artist or stop being the artist she was and waste her energy on jobs where she worked only to be able to afford health insurance. She chose to be an artist. She carried useless health insurance. And so she died.

Shows you how much this country values human life and original thought.

That would be not at all.

And now the responsibility lies in the hands of the Democratic Party. 22,500 so far.

Hey, Olberman! You’ve been harping on the number of days since Bush declared victory in Iraq for years now. I’m not saying you should stop. But lets add a number to your daily routine. March 1, 2010 will be six full months since August 2009.

Number of Preventable Deaths since President Obama said we should have a Health Care reform bill passed.


And then add 123 more each and every day until Obama’s Democratic Party acts humanely.





