Where We Are Right Now
Step back. Forget day-to-day trivialities. Forget politics. Step back and take a wider view. As a citizen are you proud of where this nation is and where it is heading?
At present the United States has two illegal, full fledged wars going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. Numerous smaller conflicts are occurring as well. We have military bases in dozens of other countries. Was this union created to be an imperial power?
Over the past few decades great strides have been made to eliminate the racist elements of this country’s slave past but at present the income disparity between the wealthiest citizens and the poorest may be as great as it has ever been since the Emancipation Proclamation.
Medical doctors are being executed for practicing their profession.
Corporations have been designated virtual citizens. Whatever that is.
Religious intolerance is now mostly directed at Muslims but Atheists, Jews and Catholics are still within grenade distance.
The President has stated that Americans who torture prisoners are not to be prosecuted, thereby violating the laws of the United States of America and the rest of the world.
Both major political parties are in a race to shift income to the richest members of American society by lowering taxes for the wealthiest while at the same time burdening all other Americans with higher taxes and fees.
Both parties have decided that even though the President has stated that "health care should be a human right", that right should be considered a commodity. When another human right, freedom, is considered a commodity, that condition is called slavery.
Capitalism and the free market are taken as ethical markers even though both have nothing to say regarding the human condition. Neither capitalism nor the free market would demand the feeding of their human chattel if such deprivation meant more black ink.
There have been no prosecutions for the most recent economic collapse even though the crimes are obvious to all.
Teachers are taking to the streets.
Will the unemployable students follow?
Is this the beginning of the Spring Offensive 2011?