It’s been two years, are you awake enough now to open your eyes? Or are you still having your sweet dream about a handsome, wise, young man arising from the Midwest who at long last will fulfill a liberal Democratic vision of government? And bring peace and universal health care to the United States?
There are still prisoners being held at Guantanamo. They are being kept there on the intelligence of the same people who brought us to war in Iraq. We know what was promised would be found in Iraq.
Afghanistan remains a war zone. This has been the Democrats’ war for some time now. Congratulations. If you voted for, and still support, Obama, you now own the wars. Go immediately to the bathroom and try to wash some off your hands.
Iraq remains under United States occupation. You keep forgetting about that, don’t you?
Charter schools continue to foster segregation. Remember segregation? Where the folks with the money had schools for their kids and those without the money could rot in hell?
Still drilling in the Gulf? You betcha, Barack.
Obama, Democrats and Republican cronies continue to increase military spending. But the budget has to be cut somewhere. How many thieving Democrats will it take to get all the money into the hands of the top two percent of the population? Once again, congratulations to the present administration for passing the cornerstone of the Bush agenda, tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. It takes a tough Democrat to do exactly what the Republicans want him to do.
Nice work on defunding the Social Security Administration by lowering the percentage of withholding. How eminently Republican.
Cuba provided more aid to Haiti than the United States. And that obscenity continues.
Even after mandating that even more fatally flawed private insurance policies be purchased, the United States will continue to have the most piss poor health system of any industrialized country. With the alleged percentage cap on insurance company profits, one of the best ways for those companies to increase their profit will be to increase the cost of medical expenses across the board. Instead of lowering costs, the Obama for profit system will lead to ever expanding medical expenses since that’s the way for insurance companies to make the real money. All you Democrats say DUH!
Admitted torturers continue to run free across the United States because the current President refuses to obey the law and prosecute those who ordered or performed torture. That makes two Presidents in a row who are self-admitted criminals.
How we doing so far?
How does it feel to be in the third term of the Bush presidency?
It’s time for you to wake up.
Obama has been a colossal failure if you consider yourself to be a liberal Democrat. Obama has been an incredible president if you are inane enough to vote for Republicans.
Keep supporting Obama. Keep supporting wealth disparity, perpetual war, torture, and a failed for profit health care system which will lead to thousands of needless American deaths.
Or better yet, go back to sleep and wake up in eighteen months and start waving your Obama for President flags again.
People shouldn’t call others morons.